5 Reasons Why You Should Get a Free Resume Evaluation Today

A resume needs to be both ATS-friendly and read by humans. A good resume evaluation will catch mistakes like using creative job titles, misspellings, and confusingly combining words; it also highlights missing or irrelevant information.

It’s important to keep the work experience section concise and focused on the most relevant roles for the job you are applying for. It can be done by including impactful quantifiable results and avoiding listing every role you have held.

It’s Free

A resume evaluation is a way to get feedback on your current resume from a professional. It can be from a career coach, a professional mentor, or an online resume review service. A resume review will give you a report on how your resume measures up to industry standards and provide suggestions for improvement.

A free resume evaluation is one of the best ways to improve your chances of getting a job interview. Many job seekers need help getting their resumes noticed by recruiters and hiring managers because their resumes need to improve. A free resume evaluation can help you identify problems and fix them for a better chance of landing a job.

The free resume evaluation is a great way to see how your resume performs on an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) and discover what needs to be changed to get past the screening software. Most large companies use ATS scanners to scan submitted resumes for keywords that match the job description, so your resume must be optimized for these systems.

It’s Concise

The best resumes are concise and easy to read. They’re no longer legal documents that include every detail of your life but marketing tools that highlight the relevant skills and experiences you can bring to a company. They’re designed to grab an employer’s attention and motivate them to interview you.

A well-written resume should be able to fit on one page or less, and it shouldn’t have more than three sections. Sticking to this format makes it easier for hiring managers to read and makes your resume more likely to get noticed.

It’s also important to remember that each job has different requirements, so your resume needs to be tailored for each application. It means highlighting each position’s most important skills and experience and deemphasizing unrelated work experience. It’s also important to avoid using jargon or difficult-to-read fonts. Instead, choose professional-looking fonts like Times New Roman, Arial, or Helvetica that are easy to read.

It’s Easy to Understand

A resume evaluation checker objectively examines your application and highlights what’s important to hiring managers. It helps you focus on what you need to highlight in your application to get an interview and start your new career.

A great resume will emphasize your work experience and education by describing how you’ve been able to help previous employers and what you’ve accomplished at each job. For example, if you’ve increased revenue or reduced costs in your past jobs, including these details on your resume is important.

In addition, you should avoid using gimmicky titles like “Galactic Viceroy of Research Excellence,” “Dean of Pizza,” or “Chief Unicorn Officer.” These are too over the top and can cause your resume to be rejected by an applicant tracking system (ATS). Instead, use strong action verbs that illustrate how you’ve delivered results for your previous employers. It is one of the best ways to stand out from other applicants.

It’s Fast

If you’re a job seeker, getting a free resume evaluation is an excellent way to improve your application materials. In two to five business days, you’ll receive a personalized 10-minute video from a professional resume reviewer who will provide specific recommendations and advice based on your experience and desired jobs.

A professional can give you quick feedback, highlight grammatical errors, and help you pinpoint places where your use of industry jargon might confuse someone unfamiliar with it. They can also help you select and place keywords in your resume to match the requirements of each job, as well as identify any gaps in your work history.

Some recruiters worry that requiring an assessment will slow down their hiring process or prevent them from interviewing candidates who are qualified for a role. But the reality is that it takes a lot of time to evaluate applicants, and plenty of other tasks must be completed to hire efficiently. Using an online skills assessment earlier in the hiring process can eliminate the need for lengthy resume evaluations and allow you to focus on interviewing candidates who are a good fit for the position.

It’s Effective

A free resume evaluation will thoroughly assess your current version of your resume. A professional resume writer will identify the most common grammar, wording, and paper structure mistakes to help you get your resume up to par.

A professional can also spot issues you might have yet to notice, such as using Comic Sans font in the text or overstating your responsibilities and accomplishments. A good resume should include quantifiable proof of your accomplishments – such as if you increased sales or profits, streamlined a process, or saved money in a past role.

Hiring managers can spend only a few seconds reviewing each application, so your resume must stand out and pass ATS screening. Most ATS will toss a resume that doesn’t pass their tests, even if the candidate is highly qualified. A free resume evaluation will ensure that your application makes the cut and lands in the hands of hiring managers. Free online resume assessments are essential for job seekers and a good place to start your job search.